Personality & Confidence
Who you are is the sum of all the decisions you have taken up until now. Who you will be in the future are the decisions you take from now on.
Learn how to get an inner confidence and coolness around women
Women are naturally attracted to confident and secure men. Unfortunately many of us have inner issues which are an obstacle in our way and lead us to feel insecure around women. Learn in these articles below tips to overcome your shyness and what it takes to develop to a secure and confident man.
Why We Feel Shy Around Women And How To Overcome Shyness
How to overcome shyness

I would like to address a problem you probably ask yourself every day.
It’s the kind of problem you always wonder why it hit you and not one of your friends.
Why is it that you feel and act shy around women you like, and what you can do to overcome shyness?
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How To Cure Anxieties When It Comes To Getting Women
Curing anxieties and gaining confidence
Are you so shy and reserved when it comes to getting women that you don’t dare to make a move?
Learn how to overcome shyness and build self-confidence.
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How To Be Confident Around Women
Gain confidence around women
Nothing triggers attraction in a woman as fast as confidence in a man.
On the other hand, if you don’t feel confident around women, you will not only be unable to act the way you want, but feel insecure and be unattractive to women as well.
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How To Overcome Your Anxiety To Approach Women
Overcome anxiety to approach women
Do you always become shy and reserved once you see a woman you are interested in?
Would you like to walk up to her and start a conversation, but you just don’t know what to say and do and this cold shiver running done your spine holds you back from doing anything at all?
In this article I am going to give you four amazing handy tips in order to overcome your fear of approaching women.
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